2018 / Documentary / 10min / 16:9

The back is an essential part of our body that rarely get’s the attention it deserves. This short documentary pays homage to the beauty of the curved and scarred ones.

Fariba Buchheim

HFF München

color grading
Claudia Fuchs

Awards & Festivals

Selection Next Generation Short Tiger 2019 – Screening @ Cannes Film Festival

Zuger Filmtage 2018 / Best Film & Audience Award

Filmfestival Schaffhausen 2019 / Silver

Courage Film Festival 2019 / Best Student Film

Shorts Offenburg / nominee “Best Documentary”

25. Kurzfilmtage Thalmässing 2019 / Vote of Jury

Rotary Hofgarten Filmpreis / Gold, best documentary

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